Set priors in package
Modify default priors in package.
lkj_shape = 2,
ml_par = 0,
sl_par = 1,
rs_par = 1,
rc_par = 2,
sc_par = 0.5,
rm_par = 0.15
- lkj_shape
(positive real) The shape parameter of the LKJ-prior on the interfactor correlation matrix in confirmatory factor models.
- ml_par
(real) The location parameter of the normal prior on loadings.
- sl_par
(positive real) The scale parameter of the normal prior on loadings.
- rs_par
(positive real) The scale parameter of the Student-t(df = 3, loc = 0) prior on the residual standard deviations.
- rc_par
(positive real) The shape parameter of the Beta(rc_par, rc_par) prior on the residual error correlations.
- sc_par
(positive real) The scale parameter of the normal prior on coefficients.
- rm_par
(positive real) The scale parameter of the normal prior on the tau / CRMR parameter.
An object of mbsempriors-class
# Change LKJ shape parameter only
custom_priors <- new_mbsempriors(lkj_shape = 1.0)
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
minorbsem("F1 =~ x1 + x2 + x3
F2 =~ x4 + x5 + x6
F3 =~ x7 + x8 + x9", HS,
priors = custom_priors
} # }