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The major function to fit models assuming the influence of minor factors (Uanhoro 2023) .


  model = NULL,
  data = NULL,
  sample_cov = NULL,
  sample_nobs = NULL,
  data_list = NULL,
  method = "normal",
  orthogonal = FALSE,
  simple_struc = TRUE,
  correlation = FALSE,
  centered = TRUE,
  seed = 12345,
  warmup = 1000,
  sampling = 1000,
  refresh = (warmup + sampling)/10,
  adapt_delta = 0.9,
  max_treedepth = 10,
  chains = 3,
  ncores = max(parallel::detectCores() - 2, 1),
  priors = new_mbsempriors(),
  show = TRUE,
  show_messages = TRUE,
  compute_ll = FALSE,
  acov_mat = NULL,
  ret_data_list = FALSE



A description of the user-specified model, lavaan syntax.


An optional data frame containing the observed variables used in the model.


(matrix) sample variance-covariance matrix. The rownames and/or colnames must contain the observed variable names.


(positive integer) Number of observations if the full data frame is missing and only sample covariance matrix is given.


(list) A modified version of the data_list returned by minorbsem. Can be used to modify specific priors, see example below.


(character) One of "normal", "lasso", "logistic", "GDP", "WB", "WB-cond", "WW", or "none". See details below.


(logical) constrain factors orthogonal, must be TRUE to fit bifactor models.


(LOGICAL) Only relevant for CFAs. If TRUE: assume simple structure; If FALSE: estimate all cross-loadings using generalized double Pareto priors.


(LOGICAL) If TRUE: perform correlation structure analysis based on logarithm of a matrix transformation (Archakov and Hansen 2021) ; If FALSE (default): perform covariance structure analysis.


(LOGICAL) Only relevant for WB-cond and WW methods when correlation = TRUE. If TRUE (default): Use a centered parameterization; If FALSE: Use a non-centered parameterization.


(positive integer) seed, set to obtain replicable results.


(positive integer) The number of warmup iterations to run per chain.


(positive integer) The number of post-warmup iterations to run per chain, retained for inference.


(positive integer) How often to print the status of the sampler.


(real in (0, 1)) Increase to resolve divergent transitions.


(positive integer) Increase to resolve problems with maximum tree depth.


(positive integer) The number of Markov chains to run.


(positive integer) The number of chains to run in parallel.


An object of mbsempriors-class. See new_mbsempriors for more information.


(Logical) If TRUE, show table of results, if FALSE, do not show table of results. As an example, use FALSE for simulation studies.


(Logical) If TRUE, show messages from Stan sampler, if FALSE, hide messages.


(Logical) If TRUE, compute log-likelihood, if FALSE, do not. This may be useful for cross-validation. This argument is ignored when: (i) the full dataset is not provided; (ii) the method is WB, use WB-cond instead.


(Optional) Asymptotic variance matrix of lower triangular half (column-order) of the correlation matrix to be used for correlation structure analysis. This parameter is useful if importing polychoric or meta-analytic SEM pooled correlation matrix.


(LOGICAL) If TRUE, returns the data_list and prior objects, see example. If FALSE (default), fits the model given user inputs.


An object of mbsem-class


CFAs assume standardized factors. Latent variable regression models print results with standardized loadings.

There are different methods for estimating models in this package:

  • normal: under belief that minor factor influences are on average zero with continuous deviations away from zero (Uanhoro 2023) .

  • lasso: under belief that minor factor influences are largely zero with a small number of non-zero residual covariances.

  • logistic: for similar belief as normal but more readily accomodates extreme outliers.

  • GDP: to mimic a global-local approach, i.e. attempt to shrink near 0 residual covariances to 0 with minimal shrinking for larger residual covariances (Armagan et al. 2013) .

  • WB: to model the covariance matrix hierarchically under assumptions of adventitiuous error (Wu and Browne 2015) ; does NOT allow for computation of casewise log-likelihoods and LOO-CV.

  • WB-cond: same as WB but estimates the "population covariance matrix", allowing for computation of casewise log-likelihoods and LOO-CV.

  • WW: A variation on WB-cond, but assumes the population covariance matrix is Wishart as opposed to inverse-Wishart;

  • none: if intending to ignore the influence of minor factors.

WB-cond and WW are equivalent for correlation structure analysis.


Archakov I, Hansen PR (2021). “A New Parametrization of Correlation Matrices.” Econometrica, 89(4), 1699--1715. ISSN 1468-0262, doi:10.3982/ECTA16910 ,

Armagan A, Dunson DB, Lee J (2013). “Generalized double Pareto shrinkage.” Statistica Sinica, 23(1), 119--143. ISSN 1017-0405,

Uanhoro JO (2023). “Modeling Misspecification as a Parameter in Bayesian Structural Equation Models.” Educational and Psychological Measurement, 0(0), 00131644231165306. ISSN 0013-1644, doi:10.1177/00131644231165306 ,

Wu H, Browne MW (2015). “Quantifying Adventitious Error in a Covariance Structure as a Random Effect.” Psychometrika, 80(3), 571--600. ISSN 1860-0980, doi:10.1007/s11336-015-9451-3 .


if (FALSE) {
mod_cfa <- minorbsem(
  "# latent variable definitions
  F1 =~ x1 + x2 + x3
  F2 =~ x4 + x5 + x6
  F3 =~ x7 + x8 + x9", HS
new_pd <- PD
apply(PD, 2, sd) # first 8 variables have relatively large SDs
new_pd[, 1:8] <- new_pd[, 1:8] / 3 # move SDs closer to 1
mod_sem <- minorbsem(
  "# latent variable definitions
  ind60 =~ x1 + x2 + x3
  dem60 =~ y1 + y2 + y3 + y4
  dem65 =~ y5 + y6 + y7 + y8
  # latent regressions
  dem60 ~ ind60
  dem65 ~ ind60 + dem60", new_pd
mod_dl <- minorbsem(
  "# latent variable definitions
  F1 =~ x1 + x2 + x3
  F2 =~ x4 + x5 + x6
  F3 =~ x7 + x8 + x9", HS,
  ret_data_list = TRUE
mod_dl$load_est # prior mean for loadings
mod_dl$load_se # prior sd for loadings
mod_dl$load_se[9, 3] <- .75 # set prior SD for F3 =~ x9 to .75
# fit model with updated prior
mod <- minorbsem(data_list = mod_dl)