Added a function (minorbpa()) for path analysis (observed variables only), that estimates SRCs based on assumptions of conditional independence within the path analysis model.
Residual plots for lasso and GDP methods now show the mode as estimate (modeest::hsm()) instead of the median, since these methods shrink the mode to 0.
Added function ci_results() for conditional independence parameters.
Completed path analysis with tests.
minorbsem 0.2.15
Added a function for residual network analysis, doi: 10.1007/s11336-017-9557-x
Updated citations
minorbsem 0.2.14
Added the first CFA tutorial, to come: SEM, MIMIC, correlation structure analysis and modifying priors
minorbsem 0.2.13
Now possible to obtain data_list from Stan, useful for modifying specific priors.
minorbsem 0.2.12
Sort regression results by outcome variable
Removed equality tests on real numbers in Stan
Instantiate-forced changes
minorbsem 0.2.11
Fixed mistake in calculation of factor residual variance for latent regression models, by transforming simsem::findFactorResidualVar() into Stan code.
Also removed 0 start values for latent regression coefficients.
minorbsem 0.2.10
Ensure asymptotic variance of log-correlation matrix is symmetric
Minor improvement on residual plots
minorbsem 0.2.9
Fixed bug when acov_mat is supplied to ensure acov_mat is correctly ordered based on lavaan object
minorbsem 0.2.8
Users can now supply asymptotic variance matrix of correlation matrix as an input
minorbsem 0.2.7
Added correlation structure analysis via matrix logarithm transformation
minorbsem 0.2.6
Now using single Stan script for all models
There are now parameter constraints for latent variable regression models
Latent regression coefficient parameters are now standardized
minorbsem 0.2.5
Eliminated the meta-analysis component, see bayesianmasem package
Using only CmdStan via the instantiate package
Permits equality constraints and fixed parameters for loadings, residual covariances and error variances.
Code refactoring
Log-likelihood now requested with minorbsem call
So no more Rcpp
minorbsem 0.2.4
JOSS paper added
Added simple contribution guidelines in startup message and README.
minorbsem 0.2.3
Added a Wishart-Wishart method as an alternative to WB-cond.
Added log-likelihood computations for meta-CFA
Added control over prior for factor standard deviation parameters
minorbsem 0.2.2
Fixed error in implementation of RMSEA calculation in meta-analysis (marginal practical effect)
Using huxtable to print tables instead of kableExtra