Fit Bayesian path analysis models
Fit Bayesian path anlaysis models with tests of conditional independence.
model = NULL,
data = NULL,
sample_cov = NULL,
sample_nobs = NULL,
data_list = NULL,
method = "normal",
orthogonal = FALSE,
correlation = FALSE,
centered = TRUE,
seed = 12345,
warmup = 1000,
sampling = 1000,
refresh = (warmup + sampling)/10,
adapt_delta = 0.9,
max_treedepth = 10,
chains = 3,
ncores = max(parallel::detectCores() - 2, 1),
priors = new_mbsempriors(),
show = TRUE,
show_messages = TRUE,
compute_ll = FALSE,
acov_mat = NULL,
ret_data_list = FALSE
- model
A description of the user-specified model, lavaan syntax.
- data
An optional data frame containing the observed variables used in the model.
- sample_cov
(matrix) sample variance-covariance matrix. The rownames and/or colnames must contain the observed variable names.
- sample_nobs
(positive integer) Number of observations if the full data frame is missing and only sample covariance matrix is given.
- data_list
(list) A modified version of the data_list returned by minorbsem. Can be used to modify specific priors, see example below.
- method
(character) One of "normal", "lasso", "logistic", "GDP", "WB", "WB-cond", "WW", or "none". See details below.
- orthogonal
(logical) constrain factors orthogonal, must be TRUE to fit bifactor models.
- correlation
(LOGICAL) If TRUE: perform correlation structure analysis based on logarithm of a matrix transformation archakov_new_2021minorbsem; If FALSE (default): perform covariance structure analysis.
- centered
(LOGICAL) Only relevant for WB-cond and WW methods when
correlation = TRUE
. If TRUE (default): Use a centered parameterization; If FALSE: Use a non-centered parameterization.- seed
(positive integer) seed, set to obtain replicable results.
- warmup
(positive integer) The number of warmup iterations to run per chain.
- sampling
(positive integer) The number of post-warmup iterations to run per chain, retained for inference.
- refresh
(positive integer) How often to print the status of the sampler.
- adapt_delta
(real in (0, 1)) Increase to resolve divergent transitions.
- max_treedepth
(positive integer) Increase to resolve problems with maximum tree depth.
- chains
(positive integer) The number of Markov chains to run.
- ncores
(positive integer) The number of chains to run in parallel.
- priors
An object of
. Seenew_mbsempriors
for more information.- show
(Logical) If TRUE, show table of results, if FALSE, do not show table of results. As an example, use FALSE for simulation studies.
- show_messages
(Logical) If TRUE, show messages from Stan sampler, if FALSE, hide messages.
- compute_ll
(Logical) If TRUE, compute log-likelihood, if FALSE, do not. This may be useful for cross-validation. This argument is ignored when: (i) the full dataset is not provided; (ii) the method is WB, use WB-cond instead.
- acov_mat
(Optional) Asymptotic variance matrix of lower triangular half (column-order) of the correlation matrix to be used for correlation structure analysis. This parameter is useful if importing polychoric or meta-analytic SEM pooled correlation matrix.
- ret_data_list
(LOGICAL) If TRUE, returns the
objects, see example. If FALSE (default), fits the model given user inputs.
An object of mbsem-class